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Boville, Alexandra No
Alexandra Boville
FA24 TA-BIO 206L Maas (BIO)
Farrior, Caroline
Caroline E Farrior
Associate Professor
Theoretical and empirical plant ecology; Role of plant communities in the global carbon cycle
PAT 506A
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Iverson, Erik No
Erik N Iverson
Graduate Research Assistant, Graduate Student Fellow
Keitt, Tim No
Timothy H Keitt
Professor, Affiliated Faculty, Oden Institute
Theoretical and computational ecology, landscapes and conservation
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Koltz, Amanda No
Amanda Koltz
Assistant Professor
Billy Carr Distinguished Teaching Fellowship (Holder)

Leander, Elena No
Elena J Leander
Graduate Research Assistant
I am broadly interested in the relationship between plant community and soil microbiome dynamics.
Ledesma, David Treviño No
David Ledesma
Misha Matz
Ecological genomics of reef-building corals
PAT 432
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Plowes, Rob
Robert Plowes
Research Scientist
Host-parasite-microbe interactions, invasive species
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Scott, Carly No
Carly B Scott

I am a Ph.D. student leveraging ancient DNA and centuries-old corals to study distant timescale genetic changes in reefs
Stokes, Brian No
Brian Stokes
Graduate Research Assistant, FA24 Graduate Grader INB 373 Koltz ( INB)
PhD candidate in Keitt Lab researching avian responses to environmental change through the lens of spatial ecology and evolution
Thijs, Ann No
Ann Thijs
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Interdisciplinary scientist with a passion for undergraduate education
Xu, Tianyi No
Tianyi Xu 徐添翼
FA24 TA-INB 373 Thijs (I B)
Conservation Paleobiology, Evolutionary Ecology, Biodiversity Reconstruction, Morphology, Herpetology