Laurie B Alvarez Administrative Manager Financial accounting, post grant issues (transfers, account balances, no-cost extensions, projections, etc...) |
Brett J Baker Associate Professor Dwight W. and Blanche Faye Reeder Centennial Fellowship in Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (Holder) Microbial diversity, ecology, and evolution |
Briana A Betke PhD student in Lauren Meyers' lab and Daniel Bolnick's lab. Interests in disease ecology and epidemiology. |
Mark W Bierner Research Affiliate - Sr Research Fellow My research is in the area of plant systematics focusing of the evolution and classification of species in the sunflower family, Asteraceae. |
Hans T Bilger Visiting Researcher/Scholar I'm PhD student in the labs of Michael Ryan and Julia Clarke. I'm studying the evolution of avian vocalization and auditory perception. |
Lisa D Boucher Curator and Director of Museum Operations for the Non-vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory |
James J Bull Joseph J. & Jeanne M. Lagowski Regents Professor Emeritus in Molecular Bioscience Joseph J. & Jeanne M. Lagowski Regents Professorship in Molecular Bioscience (Emeritus) |
David Cannatella Department Chair, Integrative Biology, Professor Systematics, phylogenomics, evolution of amphibians and reptiles |
Damla Cinoglu Graduate Student Fellow I study plant community ecology with a current focus on forest canopy dynamics and succession. |
Adam E Cohen Collection Manager Physical and postal address: University of Texas, Texas Natural History Collections 10100 Burnet Rd., PRC176/R4000 Austin, Texas 78758-4445 |
Jeffrey Coleman Graduate Research Assistant GRA in Cannatella lab studying selective pressures that have led to variation in toxicity in poison frog genus Epipedobates |