
UT News

Two Pesticides Approved for Use in U.S. Found to Harm Bees

Pesticides were found to kill some bees and damage the health of others.

Photo shows a close up of a honey bee with it's head stuck into a honeycomb


Fall Migration of Birds, Texas and Beyond


UT News

New Dashboards Launched to Track COVID-19 Across Texas Communities

Sites use hospitalization data and more to predict how the pandemic is progressing in 22 different areas across Texas.

Photo shows an elderly man in a hospital bed with a breathing apparatus while two doctors in surgical gowns, masks and goggles care for him


Meet Stengl-Wyer Scholar: Chase Smith



Shrubs of BFL: American Beautyberry


UT News

Hunting for a Better Biofuel Is Scope of New UT Austin-Led Research

How to make humble switchgrass into a biofuel powerhouse.

Aerial photo shows a large field of clumps of switchgrass