Financial Information

Ph.D. students in graduate programs under the department of IB are guaranteed five years of financial support paid in the form of Teaching Assistant (TA), Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) or Fellowships. The total annual financial package is approximately $49,608/year, with a current stipend of $34,608 ($2884/month for 12 months), plus free academic health insurance premiums at approximately $4,000/year and free tuition of approximately $11,000/year. Appointments are processed by semester:

Fall - August 16 - December 31 (4.5 months)

Spring - January 1 - May 15 (4.5 months)

Summer - May 16 - August 15 (3 months)

This salary is highly competitive with our peer institutions, many of which are in locations with a higher cost of living. 

Health Benefits

All graduate students are eligible for student health insurance, which is a gold standard plan. The insurance premium is covered by the Uiversity at no cost to the graduate student. The Student Health Center on campus provides general medical care (e.g., outpatient visit and travel vaccinations) for free or for a nominal fee. 

Tuition and Fees

During the five years of guaranteed support, tuition is covered in full by your TA, GRA or fellowship. Non-Texas residents will be required to complete a tuition waiver every semester.  Tuition only covers 9 hours of coursework in the fall and spring semesters and 3 hours in the summer. Any additional hours taken will be covered by the student.

Fellowships for Research and Travel Support

Every fall and spring semester IB has fellowship competitions for research and travel support to attend or present at conferences and workshops. Although funds aren't guaranteed, you can apply for up to $2500 each long semester for a maximum of $12,000 over the course of your academic career.