News: Research

UT News

Two Pesticides Approved for Use in U.S. Found to Harm Bees

Pesticides were found to kill some bees and damage the health of others.

Photo shows a close up of a honey bee with it's head stuck into a honeycomb

UT News

New Dashboards Launched to Track COVID-19 Across Texas Communities

Sites use hospitalization data and more to predict how the pandemic is progressing in 22 different areas across Texas.

Photo shows an elderly man in a hospital bed with a breathing apparatus while two doctors in surgical gowns, masks and goggles care for him

UT News

Hunting for a Better Biofuel Is Scope of New UT Austin-Led Research

How to make humble switchgrass into a biofuel powerhouse.

Aerial photo shows a large field of clumps of switchgrass

UT News

New Tool to Guide Decisions on Social Distancing Uses Hospital Data and Emphasizes Protecting the Vulnerable

Epidemiologists develop framework to help policymakers determine which data to track and when to take action to protect their communities.

Image shows a person's feet in tennis shoes standing near a red circle sticker that reads stay safe and keep your distance

UT News

Power of DNA to Store Information Gets an Upgrade

Researchers stored a copy of the Wizard of Oz - in Esperanto - in DNA using a revolutionary new technique.

Artists image of DNA helix in purple, yellow and green with letters GTAC and 01 binary in the background

UT News

COVID-19 Drug Development Could Benefit from Approach Used Against Flu

A new study from researchers at The University of Texas at Austin has found that some antivirals are useful for more than helping sick people get better — they also can prevent thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of virus cases if used in the early stages of infection.

Artist rendition of COVID-19 virus and pills

UT News

For Each Day’s Delay in Social Distancing, a COVID-19 Outbreak Lasts Days Longer

Every day a city delayed social distancing increased an outbreak by 2.4 days.

Calendar showing LOCKDOWN written in bold orange letters


Model Predicts Which Coral Reefs Will Better Adapt to Global Warming

​Climate change is causing coral reefs around the world to decline.

Underwater photo of a large coral reef


Long-Living Tropical Trees Play Outsized Role in Carbon Storage

A group of trees that grow fast, live long lives and reproduce slowly account for the bulk of the biomass.

Irene del Carmen Torres Dominguez measures the diameter of a tree on Barro Colorado Island in Panama.

UT News

Pandemic Model Shows Importance of Social Distancing in 22 Texas Cities

A new pandemic model of COVID-19 shows the positive role social distancing can play in preventing the spread of the illness in areas across Texas.

A map of texas with counties shaded in different colors