News: Research

UT News

Coronavirus Spreads Quickly and Sometimes Before People Have Symptoms, Study Finds

Measures including isolation, quarantine, school closures, travel restrictions and cancellation of mass gatherings may be warranted.

Artist rendering of a magnified coronavirus

UT News

Demographics Linked to Choice Not to Vaccinate Children in Texas, Study Finds

The findings could help public health officials identify pockets of low vaccination rates where communities within the state are at higher risk for an outbreak.

A young boy on the left receives a vaccination in his arm from a woman in a lab coat on the right

The Texas Scientist

20/20 Foresight

So what will the next 50 years bring? Absent a crystal ball, your best bet would be to ask a scientist.

Illustration by David Steadman.

UT News

Researchers Say Spread of Coronavirus Extends Far Beyond China’s Quarantine Zone

Virus likely spread beyond Wuhan before quarantines and lockdowns.

The last metro train prepares to leave a station in Wuhan, China before the city was placed under quarantine. Courtesy of Chinese News Service.

Department of Molecular Biosciences

Bacteria Engineered to Protect Bees from Pests and Pathogens

Genetically engineered strains of bacteria protect bees from mites and viruses that can lead to colony collapse.

A Varroa mite, a common pest that can weaken bees and make them more susceptible to pathogens, feeds on a honey bee.


Scientists Identify Genes that Help Protect Plant Genomes

The discovery holds important implications for our understanding of age-related disorders and cancers in humans.

Illustration of a green, x-shaped chromosome with pink tips

UT News

When Research and Education Cross-Pollinate

Freshmen learn how to do research while increasing our understanding of biodiversity

A scientist points out into a natural field site while a student holds a butterfly net


5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Four Years of Undergrad Research

We asked graduating seniors from across the college to share their best tips for research success.

Three students in blue lab coats and goggles gather around a computer screen

The Texas Scientist

The Mating Game

Across the animal kingdom, males and females of the same species are often locked in an evolutionary battle of the sexes.

Illustration of fish by Jenna Luecke.