James D Mauseth
Professor Emeritus
Department of Integrative Biology-
Research Summary:
Research in my lab centers on evolution of morphogenic mechanisms and structure. We use cacti as model organisms because the family contains a great amount of structural/developmental diversity and because the cactus genus Pekeskia retains numerous relictual characters. Plants of Pereskia have hard woody stems and ordinary large leaves. From ancestors like this, morphogenic mechanisms have evolved into ones capable of controlling the differentiation of various types of highly modified wood, unusual types of cortex that have leaf-like features, and apical meristems that minimize the number of mitoses necessary to produce large plants. Because each evolutionary line in the family has undergone particular types of modification of the morphogenic mechanism, we can compare different types of differentiation of a particular tissue, each type controlled by a homologous morphogenic mechanism.
Mauseth, J. D. 2015. Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology. Sixth edition in press.Mauseth, J. D. 2012. Plants and People. Jones and Bartlett Learning, Sudbury, MA.
Mauseth, J. D. 2012. Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology. Fifth edition
Bowes, B. G., and J. D. Mauseth. 2008. Plant Structure, A Colour Guide. Second Edition. Manson Publishing.
Mauseth, J. D. 2003. Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology. Third edition.
Mauseth, J. D., R. Kiesling, and C. Ostolaza. 2002. A Cactus Odyssey. Journeys in the wilds of Bolivia, Peru and Argentina. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon.
Mauseth, J. D. 1998. Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology. Multimedia Enhanced edition.Mauseth, J. D. 1995. Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology. Second edition.
Mauseth, J. D. 1991. Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA.
Mauseth, J. D. 1988. Plant Anatomy. Benjamin/Cummings. Menlo Park, California.
Papers Published with or presented by UT undergrads as co-authors
Name of UT undergrad is listed in boldface
Mauseth, J. D., and B. J. Plemons. 1995. Developmentally variable, polymorphic woods in cacti. American Journal of Botany 82: 1199 – 1205.
Mauseth, J. D., Y. Uozumi, B. J. Plemons, and J. V. Landrum. 1995. Structural and systematic study of an unusual tracheid type in cacti. Journal of Plant Research 108: 517 – 526.
Mauseth, J. D., and B. J. Plemons-Rodriguez. 1997. Presence of paratracheal water storage tissue does not alter vessel characters in cactus wood. American Journal of Botany 84: 815 – 822.
Mauseth, J. D., and B. J. Plemons-Rodriguez. 1998. Evolution of extreme xeromorphic characters in wood: A study of nine evolutionary lines in Cactaceae. American Journal of Botany 85: 209 – 218.
Mauseth, J. D., S. Benigno, F. Caceres Huamani, and C. Ostolaza. 2006. A mistletoe that attacks cacti: Ligaria cuneifolia infects Corryocactus brevistylus. The Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 78: 2-5.
Mauseth, J. D., K. Rezaei. 2013. Morphogenesis in the parasitic plant Viscum minimum (Viscaceae) is highly altered, having apical meristems but lacking roots, stems and leaves. International Journal of Plant Sciences 174: 791-801.
Hannes Schwager, H., C. Neinhuis, and J. D. Mauseth. in review. Secondary growth of the areole (leaf/bud) traces in Hylocereus undatus (Cactaceae) during the formation of branches or flowers. International Journal of Plant Sciences.
Mauseth, J. D., and K. Rezaei. 2013. Morphogenesis in the parasitic plant Viscum minimum (Viscaceae) is highly altered, having apical meristems but lacking roots, stems and leaves. International Journal of Plant Sciences 174: 791-801.
Gonzales, A. M., and J. D. Mauseth. 2010. Morphogenesis is highly aberrant in the vegetative body of the holoparasite Lophophytum leandrii (Balanophoraceae): All typical vegetative organs are absent and many tissues are highly modified International Journal of Plant Science 171: 499–508.
Mauseth, J. D. 2007. Tiny but complex foliage leaves occur in many “leafless” cacti (Cactaceae). InternationalJournal of Plant Sciences 168: 845-853.
Mauseth, J. D. 2006. Wood in the cactus subfamily Opuntioideae has extremely diverse structure. Bradleya 24: 93-106.
Terry, M., and J. D. Mauseth. 2006. Root-shoot anatomy and post-harvest vegetative clonal development in Lophophora williamsii (Cactaceae: Cacteae): Implications for conservation. Sida 22: 565-592.
Mauseth, J. D. 2006. Structure-function relationships in highly modified shoots of Cactaceae. Annals of Botany 98: 901-926.
Mauseth, J. D. 2006. Blossfeldia lacks cortical bundles and persistent epidermis; is it basal within Cactoideae? Bradleya 24: 73-82.
Mauseth, J. D. 2004. Giant shoot apical meristems in cacti have ordinary leaf primordia but altered phyllotaxy and shoot diameter. Annals of Botany 94: 145-153.
Mauseth, J. D. 2004. Wide-band tracheids are present in almost all species of Cactaceae. The Journal of Plant Research 117: 69-76.
Mauseth, J. D., and J. F. Stevenson. 2004. Theoretical considerations of vessel diameter and conductive safety in populations of vessels. The International Journal of Plant Sciences 165: 359-368.
Stevenson, J. F., and J. D. Mauseth. 2004. Effects of environment on vessel characters in cactus wood. The International Journal of Plant Sciences 165: 347-357.
Mauseth, J. D. 2004. The structure of photosynthetic, succulent stems in plants other than cacti. The International Journal of Plant Sciences 165: 1-9.
Mauseth, J. D. 2004. Cacti and other succulents: stem anatomy of “other succulents” has little in common with that of cacti. Bradleya 22: 131-140.
Stone-Palmquist, M., and J. D. Mauseth. 2002. The structure of enlarged storage roots in cacti. The International Journal of Plant Research 163: 89 – 98.
Terrazas Salgado, T, and J. D. Mauseth. 2002. Chapter 2. Shoot anatomy and morphology. in Cacti: biology and uses. (pp 23-40) Edited by P. S. Nobel. University of California Press.
Stevenson, J. F., and J. D. Mauseth. 2001. Cavitation and embolism repair in the dimorphic wood of Rhipsalis lumbricoides (Cactaceae). Haseltonia 8: 51 – 57.
Kiesling, R., and J D. Mauseth. 2000. History and taxonomy of Neoraimondia herzogiana (Cactaceae). Haseltonia 7: 47 – 52.
Mauseth, J. D., and M. E. Stone-Palmquist. 2001. Root wood differs strongly from shoot wood within individual plants of many Cactaceae. The International Journal of Plant Research 162: 767 – 776.
Mauseth, J. D. 2000. Theoretical aspects of surface-to-volume ratios and water-storage capacities of succulent shoots. American Journal of Botany 88: 1107 – 1115.
Mauseth, J. D. 2000. Enfoques anatómicos para el estudio de la biodiversidad: La diversificación de las Cactaceae. In Enfoques contemporáneos para el estudio de la biodiversidad. Eds. H. J Hernández, A. N. García Aldrete, F. Álvarez and M. Ulloa. Instituto de Biología, UNAM, México, México.
Arnold, D. H., and J. D. Mauseth. 1999. Effects of environmental factors on development of wood. American Journal of Botany 86: 367 – 371.
Mauseth, J. D. 1999. Anatomical adaptations to xeric conditions in Maihuenia (Cactaceae), a relictual, leaf-bearing cactus. The Journal of Plant Research 112: 307 – 315.
Mauseth, J. D. 1999. Comparative anatomy of Espostoa, Pseudoespostoa, Thrixanthocereus, and Vatricania (Cactaceae). Bradleya 17: 33 – 43.
Mauseth, J. D., and B. J. Plemons-Rodriguez. 1998. Evolution of extreme xeromorphic characters in wood: A study of nine evolutionary lines in Cactaceae. American Journal of Botany 85: 209 – 218.
Mauseth, J. D., T. Terrazas, and S. Loza-Cornejo. 1998. Anatomy of Relictual Members of Subfamily Cactoideae, IOS Group 1a (Cactaceae). Bradleya 16: 31 – 43.
Mauseth, J. D. 1998. Ontogenetic mechanisms and the evolution of Cactaceae. in: Proceedings of the IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica. Editors: R. Fortunato and N. Bacigalupo. Missouri Botanical Garden Press. pp. 355 – 362.
Mauseth, J. D., and J. V. Landrum. 1997. Relictual vegetative anatomical characters in Cactaceae: the genus Pereskia. Journal of Plant Research 110: 55 – 64.
Mauseth, J. D., and R. Kiesling. 1997. Comparative anatomy of Neoraimondia roseiflora and Neocardenasia herzogiana (Cactaceae). Haseltonia 5: 37 – 50.
Mauseth, J. D., and B. J. Plemons-Rodriguez. 1997. Presence of paratracheal water storage tissue does not alter vessel characters in cactus wood. American Journal of Botany 84: 815 – 822.
Mauseth, J. D. 1996. Comparative anatomy of tribes Cereeae and Browningieae (Cactaceae). Bradleya 14: 66 – 81.
Hsiao, S.-C., J. D. Mauseth, and C.-I. Peng. 1995. Composite bundles, the host/parasite interface in the holoparasitic angiosperms Langsdorffia and Balanophora (Balanophoraceae). American Journal of Botany 82: 81 – 91.
Mauseth, J. D. 1995. Collapsible water-storage cells in cacti. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 122: 145 – 151.
Mauseth, J. D. 1995. Ontogenetic mechanisms and the evolution of Cactaceae. Giornale Botanico Italiano 129: 429 – 435.
Mauseth, J. D. 1995. Mammillaria et sécrétions laiteuses. Succulentes 4: 22 – 27.
Mauseth, J. D., and B. J. Plemons. 1995. Developmentally variable, polymorphic woods in cacti. American Journal of Botany 82: 1199 – 1205.
Mauseth, J. D., Y. Uozumi, B. J. Plemons, and J. V. Landrum. 1995. Structural and systematic study of an unusual tracheid type in cacti. Journal of Plant Research 108: 517 – 526.
Hsiao, S.-C., J. D. Mauseth, and L. D. Gómez. 1994. Growth and anatomy of the vegetative body of the parasitic angiosperm Langsdorffia hypogaea. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 121: 24 – 39.
Mauseth, J. D., and T. Fujii. 1994. Resin-casing: A method for investigating apoplastic spaces. American Journal of Botany 81: 104 – 110.
Mauseth, J. D., and G. Montenegro. 1992. Secondary wall ingrowths on vessel elements in Ombrophytum subterraneum (Balanophoraceae). American Journal of Botany 79: 456 – 458.
Mauseth, J. D., and M. Sajeva. 1992. Cortical bundles in the persistent, photosynthetic stems of cacti. Annals of Botany 70: 317 – 324.
Mauseth, J. D., S.-C. Hsiao, and G. Montenegro. 1992. Vegetative body of the parasitic angiosperm Ombrophytum subterraneum (Balanophoraceae). Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 119: 407 – 417.
Hsiao, S.-C., J. D. Mauseth, and L. D. Gómez. 1993. Growth and anatomy of the vegetative body of the parasitic angiosperm Helosis cayennensis (Balanophoraceae). Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 120: 295 – 309.
Mauseth, J. D. 1993. Water-storing and cavitation-preventing adaptations in wood of cacti. Annals of Botany 72: 81 – 89.
Mauseth, J. D. 1993. Medullary bundles and the evolution of cacti. American Journal of Botany 80: 928 – 932.
Greig, N., and J. D. Mauseth. 1991. Structure and function of dimorphic prop roots in Piper auritum. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 118: 176 – 183.
Sajeva, M., and J. D. Mauseth. 1991. Leaflike structure in the photosynthetic, succulent stems of cacti. Annals of Botany 68: 405 – 411.
Mauseth, J. D. 1990. Morphogenesis in a highly reduced plant: The endophyte of Tristerix aphyllus (Loranthaceae). Botanical Gazette 151: 348 – 353.
Mauseth, J. D. 1989. Comparative structure-function studies within a single strongly dimorphic species, Melocactus intortus (Cactaceae). Bradleya 7: 1 – 12.
Mauseth, J. D. & R. Ross. 1988. Systematic anatomy of the primitive cereoid cactus Leptocereus quadricostatus. Bradleya. 6: 49 – 64.
Mauseth, J. D. 1985. Relationships between Trichocereus chilensis and the holoparasite Tristerix aphyllus. Medio Ambiente 7: 39 – 44.
Mauseth, J. D., G. Montenegro, and A. M. Walckowiak. 1985. Host infection and flower formation by the parasite Tristerix aphyllus (Loranthaceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 63: 567 – 581.
Mauseth, J. D. 1984. Effect of growth rate, morphogenic activity, and phylogeny on shoot apical ultrastructure in Opuntia polyacantha (Cactaceae). American Journal of Botany 71: 1283 – 1292.
Wittler, G. H., and J. D. Mauseth. 1984. The ultrastructure of developing latex ducts in Mammillaria heyderi (Cactaceae). American Journal of Botany 71: 100 – 110.
Wittler, G. H., and J. D. Mauseth. 1984. Schizogeny and ultrastructure of developing latex ducts in Mammillaria guerreronis (Cactaceae). American Journal of Botany 71: 1128 – 1138.
Mauseth, J. D., G. Montenegro, and A. M. Walckowiak. 1984. Studies of the holoparasite Tristerix aphyllus (Loranthaceae) infecting Trichocereus chilensis (Cactaceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 62: 847 – 857.
Mauseth, J. D. 1982. A morphometric study of the ultrastructure of Echinocereus engelmannii (Cactaceae). IV. Leaf and spine primordia. American Journal of Botany 69: 546 – 550.
Mauseth, J. D. 1982. A morphometric study of the ultrastructure of Echinocereus engelmannii (Cactaceae). V. Comparison with the shoot apical meristems of Trichocereus pachanoi (Cactaceae). American Journal of Botany 69: 551 – 555.
Mauseth, J. D. 1982. A morphometric study of the ultrastructure of Echinocereus engelmannii (Cactaceae). VI. The individualized ultrastructures of diverse types of meristems. American Journal of Botany 69: 1524 – 1526.
Mauseth, J. D. 1982. A morphometric study of the ultrastructure of Echinocereus engelmannii (Cactaceae). VII. Uniformity of cell structure within shoot apical meristem zones. American Journal of Botany 69: 1527 – 1529.
Mauseth, J. D. 1982. Development and ultrastructure of extrafloral nectaries in Ancistrocactus scheeri (Cactaceae). Botanical Gazette 143: 273 – 277.
Niklas, K. J., and J. D. Mauseth. 1981. Relationships among shoot apical meristem ontogenic features in Trichocereus pachanoi and Melocactus matanzanus (Cactaceae). American Journal of Botany 68: 100 – 105.
Mauseth, J. D. 1981. A morphometric study of the ultrastructure of Echinocereus engelmannii (Cactaceae). II. The mature, zonate shoot apical meristem. American Journal of Botany 68: 96 – 100.
Mauseth, J. D. 1981. A morphometric study of the ultrastructure of Echinocereus engelmannii (Cactaceae). III. Subapical and mature tissues. American Journal of Botany 68: 531 – 534.
Niklas, K. J., and J. D. Mauseth. 1980. Simulations of cell dimensions in shoot apical meristems: implications concerning zonate apices. American Journal of Botany 67: 715 – 732.
Mauseth, J. D. 1980. A morphometric study of the ultrastructure of Echinocereus engelmanii (Cactaceae). I. Shoot apical meristems at germination. American Journal of Botany 67: 173 – 181.
Mauseth, J. D. 1980. A stereological morphometric study of the ultrastructure of mucilage cells in Opuntia polyacantha (Cactaceae). Botanical Gazette 141: 373 – 378.
Mauseth, J. D. 1980. Release of whole cells of Nopalea (Cactaceae) into secretory canals. Botanical Gazette 141: 15 – 18.
Mauseth, J. D., and K. J. Niklas. 1979. Constancy of relative volumes of zones in shoot apical meristems in Cactaceae: implications concerning meristem size, shape, and metabolism. American Journal of Botany 66: 933 – 939.
Mauseth, J. D. 1979. Cytokinin‑elicited formation of the pith‑rib meristem and other effects of growth regulators on the morphogenesis of Echinocereus (Cactaceae) seedling shoot apical meristems. American Journal of Botany 66: 446 – 451.
Mauseth, J. D. 1978. An investigation of the phylogenetic and ontogenetic variability of shoot apical meristems in the Cactaceae. American Journal of Botany 65: 326 – 333.
Mauseth, J. D. 1978. Further studies of the unusual type of laticiferous canals in Mammillaria (Cactaceae): structure and development of the semi‑milky type. American Journal of Botany 65: 1098 – 1102.
Mauseth, J. D. 1978. The structure and development of an unusual type of articulated laticifer in Mammillaria (Cactaceae). American Journal of Botany 65: 415 – 520.
Mauseth, J. D. 1978. An investigation of the morphogenetic mechanisms which control the development of zonation in seedling shoot apical meristems. American Journal of Botany 65: 158 – 167.
Mauseth, J. D. 1977. Cytokinin‑ and gibberellic acid‑induced effects on the determination and morphogenesis of leaf primordia in Opuntia polyacantha (Cactaceae). American Journal of Botany 64: 337 – 346.
Mauseth, J. D. 1976. Cytokinin‑ and gibberellic acid‑induced effects on the structure and metabolism of shoot apical meristems in Opuntia polyacantha (Cactaceae). American Journal of Botany 63: 1295 – 1301.
Mauseth, J. D., and W. Halperin. 1975. Hormonal control of organogenesis in Opuntia polyacantha (Cactaceae). American Journal of Botany 62: 869 – 877.
Mauseth, J. D., and C. Ostolaza. 2002. Parkas? Ice picks? Oxygen bottles? A cactus expedition in highland Peru. Part 1. The Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 74: 52 – 63.
Part 2. The Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 74: 127 – 133.
Part 3. The Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 74: 212 – 215.
Mauseth, J. D. 2001. Persekias survive frosty winters in Austin. The Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 73: 122 – 126.
Mauseth, J. D., and R. Kiesling. 1998. Cacti and steak – this must be Argentina (Part 2). The Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 70: 32 – 39.
Mauseth, J. D., and R. Kiesling. 1997. Cacti and steak – this must be Argentina (Part 1). The Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 69: 279 – 286.
Mauseth, J. D. 1995. Mammillarias and milky secretions. Succulentes (France) 4: 24 – 27.
Mauseth, J. D. 1993. Cacti, mistletoes and desert survival. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 65: 172 – 175.
Mauseth, J. D. 1992. Apical meristems. 1992 Yearbook of Science & Technology. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Mauseth, J. D. 1991. La dérive des continents, le climat et l'évolution des cactus. Succulentes 14: 3 – 12.
Mauseth, J. D. 1991. Kontinentaldrift, Klima, und die Evolution der Kakteen. Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten 42: 10 – 13.
Mauseth, J. D. 1990. Continental drift, climate and the evolution of cacti. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 62: 302 – 308.
Mauseth, J. D. 1984. Introduction to cactus anatomy. VII. Epidermis. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 56: 33 – 37.
Mauseth, J. D. 1984. Introduction to cactus anatomy. VIII. Inner body. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 56: 131 – 135.
Mauseth, J. D. 1984. Introduction to cactus anatomy. IX. Primary and secondary growth. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 56: 181 – 184.
Mauseth, J. D. 1984. Introduction to cactus anatomy. X. Flowers and sex. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 56: 212 – 216.
Mauseth, J. D. 1984. Introduction to cactus anatomy. XI. Flower structure. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 56: 250 – 255.
Mauseth, J. D. 1983. Introduction to cactus anatomy. II. Apical meristems. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 55: 18 – 22.
Mauseth, J. D. 1983. Introduction to cactus anatomy. III. Cell structure. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 55: 84 – 89.
Mauseth, J. D. 1983. Introduction to cactus anatomy. IV. Mature cells. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 55: 113 – 118.
Mauseth, J. D. 1983. Introduction to cactus anatomy. V. Secretory cells. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 55: 171 – 176.
Mauseth, J. D. 1983. Introduction to cactus anatomy. VI. Areoles and spines. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 55: 272 – 276.
Mauseth, J. D. 1982. Introduction to cactus anatomy. I. Introduction. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 54: 263 – 266.
Mauseth, J. D. 1979. A new method for the propagation of cacti: sterile culture of axillary buds. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 51: 186 – 187.
Mauseth, J. D. 1977. Cactus tissue culture: a potential method of propagation. Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA) 49: 80 –81.
Teaching Awards
2009 Natural Sciences Foundation Advisory Council Teaching Award.
2006 Nominated by the School of Biological Sciences for the President's Associates Teaching Award.
2005 Nominated by the School of Biological Sciences for the President's Associates Teaching Award.
1993 Teaching Excellence Award, College of Natural Sciences Foundation Advisory Council (UT)
1990 Teaching Excellence Award, College of Natural Sciences Foundation Advisory Council (UT)
1983 Outstanding Teacher Award: Awarded by the Natural Sciences Council of the University of Texas.
Other Awards
2011 Named to Fulbright Specialist Roster by the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars.
1987 Andrew W. Mellon Faculty Fellowship in Latin American Studies. Institute of Latin American Studies (UT).
1985 Summer Intensive Portuguese Award. Institute of Latin American Studies (UT).
1983-85 Faculty Advisor: Golden Key National Honor Society.
1975 Frey, Rigg, Otsen Award: Awarded to the outstanding graduate student in Botany at the University of Washington.
1969 Mary Garret Hays Scholarship: An award for graduate students just beginning their studies.
(With W. Fagerberg and R. Moore) 1984. The Use of Stereological Analytical Techniques. Botanical Society of America.
(With W. Hagemann) 1987. Meristems. XIV International Botanical Congress, Berlin.
(With E. Klekowski) 1993. Meristems and genome stability. XV International Botanical Congress, Tokyo.
(* indicates an invited presentation.)
1. Mauseth, J. D., and W. Halperin. 1973. Experimental alteration of growth patterns in Opuntia (Cactaceae). Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
2. Mauseth, J. D., and W. Halperin. 1974. Hormonal control of meristem activity in the buds of Opuntia polyacantha (Cactaceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Arizona State University, Tucson.
*3. Mauseth, J. D. 1975a. Morphogenesis of shoot apical meristems. Department of Botany, University of Georgia.
*4. Mauseth, J. D. 1975b. Morphogenesis of shoot apical meristems. Department of Botany, University of Texas.
5. Mauseth, J. D. 1976. Structure and metabolism of leaf‑producing and spine‑producing apical meristems of Opuntia polyacantha (Cactaceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Tulane University, New Orleans.
6. Mauseth, J. D. 1977. Information about the mechanisms which control zonation in shoot apical meristems. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Michigan State University, East Lansing.
7. Mauseth, J. D. 1978a. The induction by exogenous cytokinin of the pith‑rib meristem in the unstratified corpus of a seedling shoot apical meristem. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg.
*8. Mauseth, J. D. 1978b. The metabolism and morphogenesis of shoot apical meristems. Department of Botany, University of Texas, Austin.
*9. Mauseth, J. D. 1978c. Current knowledge of shoot apical meristem morphogenesis. Department of Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station.
10. Mauseth, J. D. 1979. A morphometric study of the ultrastructure and development of shoot apical meristems of seedlings of Echinocereus engelmannii (Cactaceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
11. Mauseth, J. D., and K. J. Niklas. 1979. Constancy of relative zonal volumes in shoot apical meristems of cacti: implications concerning meristem size, shape and growth. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
12. Mauseth, J. D. 1980a. A stereological morphometric study of the ultrastructure of specialized cells. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
*13. Mauseth, J. D. 1980b. Studies of the role of zonation in the functioning of shoot apical meristems. Department of Development & Cell Biology, University of California, Irvine.
*14. Mauseth, J. D. 1980c. Studies of the role of zonation in the functioning of shoot apical meristems. Department of Development & Cell Biology, University of California, Irvine.
15. Niklas, K. J., and J. D. Mauseth. 1980. Relationships among shoot apical meristem ontogenic features in Trichocereus pachanoi and Melocactus matanzanus. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
*16. Mauseth, J. D. 1981a. Shoot apical meristem morphogenesis. Department of Botany & Plant Science, University of California, Riverside.
*17. Mauseth, J. D. 1981b. Morphogenesis in Opuntia polyacantha. Department of Botany, University of California, Davis.
18. Mauseth, J. D. 1981c. A morphometric study of the ultrastructure of leaf and spine primordia in Echinocereus engelmannii (Cactaceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Indiana University, Bloomington.
19. Mauseth, J. D. 1981d. A comparison of the quantitative ultrastructure of the shoot apical meristems of four species. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Indiana University, Bloomington.
20. Mauseth, J. D. 1982a. A discussion of stereology techniques. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park.
21. Mauseth, J. D. 1982b. Homogeneity of zones in the shoot apical meristems of Echinocereus engelmannii (Cactaceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park.
22. Mauseth, J. D. 1982c. Homogeneity of zones in the shoot apical meristems of Echinocereus engelmannii (Cactaceae). Spring meeting of the Texas Society for Electron Microscopy, Texas Women's University, Denton.
23. Mauseth, J. D. 1982d. The ultrastructure of short shoot apical meristems. Fall meeting of the Texas Society for Electron Microscopy, Galveston.
*24. Mauseth, J. D. 1983a. La estructura y el desarrollo de los meristemos apicales. Department of Botany, Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile. (Presented in Spanish).
*25. Mauseth, J. D. 1983b. Estereología. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. (Presented in Spanish).
*26. Mauseth, J. D. 1983c. The parasite Tristerix aphyllus: how much can a plant lose and still be a plant? Baylor University, Waco.
*27. Mauseth, J. D. 1983d. Stereologic image analysis. 20th Annual Electron Microscopy Colloquium, Iowa State University, Ames.
28. Mauseth, J. D. 1983e. Development and anatomy of the parasite Tristerix aphyllus (Loranthaceae) infecting Trichocereus chilensis (Cactaceae). Spring meeting of the Texas Society for Electron Microscopy, Austin.
*29. Mauseth, J. D. 1984a. Relaciones entre Trichocereus chilensis y el holoparasito Tristerix aphyllus. V. Reunion Nacional de Botanica, La Serena, Chile. (Presented in Spanish).
30. Mauseth, J. D. 1984b. Effect of growth rate and of morphogenic activity on shoot apical ultrastructure. Spring meeting of the Texas Society for Electron Microscopy, College Station.
31. Mauseth, J. D. 1984c. Ultrastructure of the interface between a mistletoe and its host. Fall meeting of the Texas Society for Electron Microscopy, Arlington.
32. Mauseth, J. D. 1984d. The measurement of volume and relative volume by stereological methods. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
33. Mauseth, J. D., W. R. Fagerberg, and R. Moore. 1984. The use of stereological analytical techniques. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
34. Wittler, G. H., and J. D. Mauseth. 1984a. The evolution of a complex secretory structure in Mammillaria (Cactaceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America , Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
35. Wittler, G. H., and J. D. Mauseth. 1984b. The role of schizogeny in the formation of latex ducts in Mammillaria guerreronis (Cactaceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
36. Mauseth, J. D. 1985a. Quantitative ultrastructure of apical meristems varying in growth rate, morphogenic activity and phylogeny. Spring meeting of the Texas Society for Electron Microscopy, San Antonio.
*37. Mauseth, J. D. 1985b. Comparative anatomy of Notocacti. Annual meeting of the International Organization for Succulent Plant Study, Zurich.
38. Mauseth, J. D. 1985c. Effect of growth rate, morphogenic activity and phylogeny on shoot apical ultrastructure. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, University of Florida, Gainesville.
*39. Mauseth, J. D. 1986a. Anatomy and evolution of Mammillaria laticifers. Third Huntington Symposium on Succulent Plants, Huntington Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California.
40. Mauseth, J. D. 1986b. The evolutionary trends in a primitive cereoid cactus, Leptocereus. International Organization for Succulent Plant Study, Salta, Argentina.
41. Mauseth, J. D. 1986c. Xylem anatomy and hydraulic conductivity in a primitive cereoid cactus, Leptocereus. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
42. Wittler, G. H., and J. D. Mauseth. 1986. The ultrastructure of unusual secretory tissues in stems of Mammillaria lasiacantha (Cactaceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
*43. Mauseth, J. D. 1987a. Tissue culture propagation of endangered cacti. Fourth Huntington Symposium on Succulent Plants, Huntington Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California.
*44. Mauseth, J. D. 1987b. The initiation of differentiation within the meristem. 14th International Botanical Congress, Berlin.
*45. Mauseth, J. D. 1987c. Organizer and Chair of Symposium "Meristems". 14th International Botanical Congress, Berlin.
46. Fulginiti, R., and J. D. Mauseth. 1987a. Morphogenesis at the shoot apex of the moss Physcomitrium pyrifome: A quantitative analysis of apical cell polarity and merophyte development. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, The Ohio State University, Columbus.
47. Fulginiti, R., and Mauseth, J. D. 1987b. Morphogenesis at the shoot apex of the moss Physcomitrium pyriforme: a quantitative analysis of apical cell polarity and merophyte development. Spring meeting of the Texas Society for Electron Microscopy, Waco.
48. Fulginiti, R., and J. D. Mauseth. 1988. A quantitative analysis of cellular morphogenesis at the shoot apex of the moss Physcomitrium pyriforme. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, University of California, Davis.
49. Mauseth, J. D. 1989. Morphogenesis and host/parasite relations in the endophyte of Tristerix aphyllus. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
*50. Mauseth, J. D. 1990. Evolution of succulence in the cactus subfamily Cactoideae. 21st Congress of the International Organization for Succulent Plant Study, Zurich.
51. Sajeva, M., and J. D. Mauseth. 1990a. Cortical bundle density and the evolution of stem succulence in Cactaceae. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Richmond, Virginia.
52. Sajeva, M., and J. D. Mauseth. 1990b. Evolution of leaflike characters in the succulent stems of Cactaceae. 30th Congress of the Italian Society of Plant Physiology.
53. Wittler, G. H., and J. D. Mauseth. 1990. The anatomy and morphology of secretory canals in section Mammillaria series Leucocephalae. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Richmond, Virginia.
*54. Mauseth, J. D. 1991a. Leaflike stem modifications of cacti permit adaptation to desert environment. Department of Ecology, Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile.
55. Mauseth, J. D. 1991b. Secondary wall ingrowths on vessel elements of Ombrophytum subterraneum (Balanophoraceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Trinity University, San Antonio.
*56. Mauseth, J. D. 1991c. Evolutionary modifications of structure and morphogenesis in cacti. Department of Botany, University of Texas, Austin.
57. Mauseth, J. D. 1992a. Possible examples of homeotic gene activity during morphogenesis in plants. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Honolulu.
*58. Mauseth, J. D. 1992b. Comparative wood anatomy of Jasminocereus and Armatocereus in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Annual meeting of the International Association of Wood Anatomists, National Tropical Botanical Garden, Kawai, Hawaii.
*59. Mauseth, J. D. 1992c. Possible examples of homeotic development in plant cells and tissues. Department of Botany, University of Washington, Seattle.
*60. Mauseth, J. D. 1992d. Evolution of water storage tissues in cacti. Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan.
61. Mauseth, J. D. 1993a. Evolution of vegetative features in Tribes Cereeae and Browningieae (Cactaceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Ames.
*62. Mauseth, J. D. 1993b. Genome stability and apical meristem size. 15th International Botanical Congress, Tokyo.
*63. Mauseth, J. D. 1993c. Ecological adaptation: the driving force of wood evolution? 15th International Botanical Congress, Tokyo.
*64. Mauseth, J. D. 1993d. Dimorphic wood and the adaptation of cacti to water stress. Sapporo International Symposium on Wood Anatomy, Sapporo, Japan.
65. Mauseth, J. D., and T. Fujii. 1993. Resin-casting, a new technique for studying cell lumens. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Ames.
66. Hsiao, S.-C., and J. D. Mauseth. 1993. Growth and anatomy of the vegetative body of the parasitic angiosperm Helosis cayennensis (Balanophoraceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Ames.
*67. Mauseth, J. D. 1994. Ontogenetic mechanisms and the evolution of Cactaceae. 6th Congresso Latinoamericano de Botanica, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
*68. Mauseth, J. D. 1994. Anatomia de Cactaceae. 6th Congresso Latinoamericano de Botanica, Mar Del Plata, Argentina.
69. Hsiao, S.-C., and J. D. Mauseth. 1994. Composite bundles of the holoparasitic angiosperm Langsdorffia hypogaea (Balanophoraceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Knoxville.
70. Hsiao, S.-C., and J. D. Mauseth. 1994. Cell wall ingrowths in holoparasitic angiosperms, Balanophoraceae. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Knoxville.
71. Landrum, J. V., and J. D. Mauseth. 1995 Systematic and evolutionary implications of stem and leaf anatomy in portulacaeous genera of South America, North America, and Africa. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, San Diego.
72. Plemons, B. J., and J. D. Mauseth. 1995. Developmentally variable, polymorphic woods in cacti. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, San Diego.
73. Mauseth, J. D., and B. J. Plemons. 1995. Testing ecological theories of xylem adaptation using dimorphic cactus wood. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, San Diego.
74. Uozumi, Y., and J. D. Mauseth. 1995. The evolution of succulent stems in Cactoideae (Cactaceae) – a comparison of columnar and cladophyll cacti. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, San Diego.
75. Arnold, D. H., and J. D. Mauseth. 1995. A study of environmental effects on the anatomy and morphology of cacti. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, San Diego.
76. Arnold, D. H., and J. D. Mauseth. 1996. A study of environmental effects on the anatomy and morphology of cacti. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Seattle.
77. Uozumi, Y., and J. D. Mauseth. 1996. The evolution of succulent stems in Cactoideae (Cactaceae). Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Seattle.
78. Landrum, J. V., and J. D. Mauseth. 1996. Wide-band tracheids in genera of the Portulacaceae: systematic and evolutionary implications. Annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Seattle.
*79. Mauseth, J. D. 1996. Plant collecting in Latin America. Presented to the Institute of Latin American Studies (UT) Fellows.
*80. Mauseth, J. D. 1997. Plant exploration in South America. Presented to the Institute of Latin American Studies (New Mexico State University).
81. Mauseth, J. D. 1997. Adaptaciones ecologicas de varios tipos de madera. Presented to the Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (Lima, Peru).
*82. Mauseth, J. D. 1999. Evolution of water-stress adapted wood in cacti. Presented at the 14th Southwestern botanical systematics symposium "The evolution of ecological adaptation", Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden (Claremont, CA).
*83. Mauseth, J. D. 1999. Anatomical approaches for the study of biodiversity: the diversification of Cactaceae. Presented at the symposium Contemporary approaches for the study of biodiversity. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico, Mexico).
84. Mauseth, J. D. 2002. Desert adaptations in cacti. Presented to the Section of Integrative Biology, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Texas, Austin.
*85. Mauseth, J. D. 2005. The anatomy of dryland plants. Presented as part of the Dryland Plants Symposium (organized by F. Ewers) in the annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
*86. Mauseth, J. D. 2005. Cactus adaptations to deserts are more exotic than you think. Presented at The Montgomery Botanical Center, Coral Gables, Florida (MBC is a botanical research foundation specializing in palms and cycads).
*87. Mauseth, J. D. 2006. Mistletoes that parasitize cacti: the exotic hosts require exotic methods to attack. Presented to the Department of Biological Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia.
1. Mauseth, J. D. 1983a. Botanical research in Latin America. International Good Neighbor Council.
2. Mauseth, J. D. 1983b. Tristerix, a mistletoe that infects cacti in Chile. The Texas Association of Cactus and Succulent Societies Fall Seminar.
3. Mauseth, J. D. 1987a. Botanical research at the Universidad Catolica, Santiago de Chile. Institute of Latin American Studies Coyuntura/Conjuntura - Weekly Brown Bag Meeting, University of Texas, Austin.
4. Mauseth, J. D. 1987b. Micropropagation of endangered cacti. Life Science Teacher Development Program, University of Texas, Austin.
5. Mauseth, J. D. 1987c. Micropropagation of endangered cacti. Radio interview for Science Journal.
6. Mauseth, J. D. 1987d. Micropropagation of endangered cacti. Radio interview for UT Week in Review.
7. Mauseth, J. D. 1988. Teaching plant tissue culture in high school. Life Science Teacher Development Program, University of Texas, Austin.
8. Mauseth, J. D. 1990. Research on arid land plants. Texas Botanical Garden Society.
9. Mauseth, J. D. 1991a. A race against extinction: Searching the world for rare and unknown plants. The Honors Colloquium, University of Texas, Austin.
10. Mauseth, J. D. 1991b. Analyzing the biology of unusual plants. The Young Scholars Program, University of Texas, Austin.
11. Mauseth, J. D. 1991c. Plants of the new world and their impact on modern thought. Presented at the opening of the exhibit "Plants of the New World" in the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas, Austin.
12. Mauseth, J. D. 1992a. Analyzing the evolution of cacti. Natural Sciences Week, University of Texas, Austin.
13. Mauseth, J. D. 1992b. Structural modification that allow cacti to be adapted to deserts. Special lecture in Biology 303 (Buskirk's Honors section), University of Texas, Austin.
14. Mauseth, J. D. 1992c. Analyzing the evolution of cacti. The 1991-1992 Dean's Scholars' Freshman Lecture Series: How is Science Done? University of Texas, Austin.
15. Mauseth, J. D. 1993. Plant tissue culture and its application to research and business. Bio 601C (Special Course; NSF grant "Building articulation through undergraduate education.).
16. Mauseth, J. D. 1996. Cactus collecting in South America. Institute of Latin American Studies (UT) Fellows meeting.
17. Mauseth, J. D. 1996. Cactus evolution. Presented to Dean's Scholars (UT).
18. Mauseth, J. D. 1996. Evolution of cacti. Presented to the Texas Association of Cactus and Succulent Societies.
19. Mauseth, J. D. 1996. Plant exploration in Latin America. Presented to the Staff of the Institute of Latin American Studies.
20. Mauseth, J. D. 1997. Why are cacti so weird and how did they get that way? Presented to the annual meeting of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America.
21. Mauseth, J. D. 1997. Cacti of South America: From sea to mountains. Presented to the annual meeting of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America.
22. Mauseth, J. D. 1997. Adaptaciones ecologicas de varios tipos de madera. Presented to the Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (Lima, Peru).
23. Mauseth, J. D. 2001. Cacti of the Andes Mountains. Presented to The Texas Association of Cactus and Succulent Societies.
24. Mauseth, J. D. 2002. Techniques cacti use to thrive in deserts. Presented to the 2002 Pacific Northwest Regional Cactus and Succulent Conference.
25. Mauseth, J. D. 2002. My favorite South American cacti. presented to the 2002 Pacific Northwest Regional Cactus and Succulent Conference.
26. Mauseth, J. D. 2011. The evolution and biology of succulence in stems, leaves and roots. Presented to the Texas Association of Cactus and Succulent Societies.
27. Mauseth, J. D. 2011. The evolution of cacti. Presented to the Houston Cactus and Succulent Society.
28. Mauseth, J. D. 2011. The evolution of cacti. Presented to the Plant Biology Society (an undergraduate group at UT Austin).
29. Mauseth, J. D. 2013. The biology of cacti. Presented to the Cactus and Succulent Society of America.
30. Mauseth, J. D. 2013. Mistletoes that attack cacti. Presented to the Cactus and Succulent Society of America.
31. Mauseth, J. D. 2013. The biology of cacti. Presented to the Texas Association of Cactus and Succulent Societies.
Biology 205: Laboratory Experiments in Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology.
Biology 303: Structure and Function of Organisms.
Biology 322 and 122L: General Botany (and Lab):Structure, Physiology and Reproduction of Seed Plants (these were formerly Bot 320 and 120C).
Biology 374 and 174L: Plant Anatomy (these were formerly Botany 374 and 388K).
Biology 377: Independent Research.
Biology 387J and 187L: Advanced Plant Anatomy.
Botany 474L and 484L: Taxonomic Plant Anatomy.
Botany 328‑128K: Introductory Plant Physiology.
Botany 353: Plant Biotechnology Laboratory.
Botany 344 and 480N: Plant Morphogenesis.
Botany 398T: Supervised Teaching.
Short courses taught in Latin America, in Spanish
(These courses last between one and three weeks and are taught while I am doing field research in the host country during our summer vacation. They are organized by the host professor with whom I am collaborating. Most of these courses then involve taking local students [Chilean or Peruvian] out to the field with us as we collect plant specimens for research.)
Ultraestructura de la Celula Vegetal (Universidad Catolica de Chile)
Anatomia Vegetal (Universidad Catolica de Chile)
El segundo curso de actualización en cactáceas y suculentas (Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (Lima, Peru))
1. Suculencia; morfología, ecología y fisiología de suculentas.
2. Cactáceas, su origen y evolución.
3. Anatomía de epidermis, corteza, médula y haces vasculares en cactáceas.
4. Anatomía de madera de cactus; células conductoras y almacenadors de agua.
Curso Internacional de Anatomia de Plantas y el Medio Ambiente (Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (Lima, Peru))
1. Modificaciones de los tallos: Crecimiento y morfología.
2. Modificaciones de la superficie a la relación de volumen con costillas.
3. Modificaiones de la corteza y la médula.
4. Anatomía de la madera (Parte 1).
5. Anatomía de la madera (Parte 2).
6. Reproducción: Adaptaciones de las flores.
Anatomía de cactáceas y suculentas (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, Arequipa, Peru).