Brett J BakerAssociate Professor Dwight W. and Blanche Faye Reeder Centennial Fellowship in Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (Holder) Microbial diversity, ecology, and evolution |
Whitney L BehrPhD student in Norma Fowler's lab interested in plant community dynamics and fire |
Briana A BetkePhD student in Lauren Meyers' lab and Daniel Bolnick's lab. Interests in disease ecology and epidemiology. |
Alexandra BovilleGraduate Research Assistant, SP25 Graduate Grader INB 375 Fowler ( INB) |
Damla CinogluGraduate Student Fellow I study plant community ecology with a current focus on forest canopy dynamics and succession. |
Jeffrey ColemanGraduate Research Assistant GRA in Cannatella lab studying selective pressures that have led to variation in toxicity in poison frog genus Epipedobates |
Drew R DavisVisiting Researcher/Scholar Ecology, Conservation, and Natural History of Amphibians and Reptiles |
Tom J DevittAssistant Professor of Practice, Research Scientist |
Caroline E FarriorAssociate Professor Theoretical and empirical plant ecology; Role of plant communities in the global carbon cycle |
Norma L FowlerProfessor Please see my website for more information about my research group. |
Harry W GreeneAdjunct Professor Vertebrate natural history; ecology, evolution, and conservation |
Arbel HarpakAssistant Professor of Population Health, Assistant Professor Evolutionary, statistical and population genetics |
Justin C HavirdAssociate Professor Cytonuclear interactions, ecophysiology, molecular evolution |
Timothy H KeittProfessor, Affiliated Faculty, Oden Institute Theoretical and computational ecology, landscapes and conservation |
Amanda KoltzAssistant Professor Billy Carr Distinguished Teaching Fellowship (Holder) |
Tristan D KubikYikes! Who let him out of the insectary? Get that entomologist back where he belongs before we all get into trouble. |
Travis J LaducCurator, Herpetology, Assistant Professor of Instruction |
Elena J LeanderSPT25 TA-UGS 303-Gonzalez (I B), Note Taker- Gonzalez PTF Project SP25 I am broadly interested in the relationship between plant community and soil microbiome dynamics. |
Christian A LopezGraduate Research Assistant PhD student in the Sedio Lab. Interested in systematics, evolution and metabolomics of ferns and lycophytes. Plant-Insect Interactions |
Thomas L MarshallI'm interested in using molecular systematics and population genomics to address evolutionary questions in reptiles and amphibians. |
Misha MatzProfessor Ecological genomics of reef-building corals |
Nancy A MoranProfessor Warren J. and Viola Mae Raymer Chair (Holder) | Lisa and David Genecov Family Professorship in Plan II Biology (Fellow) Insect and bacterial genomics and evolution, Symbiosis |
Colin R MorrisonPostdoctoral Fellow herbivory, plant-insect interactions, community ecology, chemical ecology, biological invasions |
Ulrich G MuellerProfessor William Morton Wheeler-Lost Pines Professorship (Holder) |
Sarah K OrtizGraduate Research Assistant I am a graduate student in the Wolf lab and I'm interested in the ecological, and biogeochemical effects of facilitative microbes. |
Annette M OstlingAssociate Professor, Core Faculty, Oden Institute I am a community ecologist focusing on competitive coexistence and biodiversity patterns, using mathematical and computational approaches. |
Robert PlowesResearch Scientist Host-parasite-microbe interactions, invasive species |
Aaron C RhodesResearch Scientist - Grassland Ecologist My research is currently focused on invasion biology of African grasses; buffelgrass and Guinea grass. |
Tahmineh RouzbahaniPhD Candidate; Interested in Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Evolutionary Adaptation to Salinity Stress |
Carly B ScottI am a Ph.D. student leveraging ancient DNA and centuries-old corals to study distant timescale genetic changes in reefs |
Beryl B SimpsonProfessor Emeritus C. L. Lundell Chair of Systematic Botany (Emeritus) |
Brian StokesSP25 TA-INB 440L-Keitt (I B) PhD candidate in Keitt Lab researching avian responses to environmental change through the lens of spatial ecology and evolution |
Ann ThijsAssistant Professor of Instruction Interdisciplinary scientist with a passion for undergraduate education |
Tianyi Xu 徐添翼Graduate Research Assistant Conservation Paleobiology, Evolutionary Ecology, Biodiversity Reconstruction, Morphology, Herpetology |