Alexandra BovilleGraduate Research Assistant, SP25 Graduate Grader INB 375 Fowler ( INB) |
Caroline E FarriorAssociate Professor Theoretical and empirical plant ecology; Role of plant communities in the global carbon cycle |
Justin C HavirdAssociate Professor Cytonuclear interactions, ecophysiology, molecular evolution |
Timothy H KeittProfessor, Affiliated Faculty, Oden Institute Theoretical and computational ecology, landscapes and conservation |
Amanda KoltzAssistant Professor Billy Carr Distinguished Teaching Fellowship (Holder) |
Elena J LeanderSPT25 TA-UGS 303-Gonzalez (I B) I am broadly interested in the relationship between plant community and soil microbiome dynamics. |
Misha MatzProfessor Ecological genomics of reef-building corals |
Robert PlowesResearch Scientist Host-parasite-microbe interactions, invasive species |
Carly B ScottI am a Ph.D. student leveraging ancient DNA and centuries-old corals to study distant timescale genetic changes in reefs |
Brian StokesSP25 TA-INB 440L-Keitt (I B), Graduate Research Assistant PhD candidate in Keitt Lab researching avian responses to environmental change through the lens of spatial ecology and evolution |
Ann ThijsAssistant Professor of Instruction Interdisciplinary scientist with a passion for undergraduate education |
Tianyi Xu 徐添翼Graduate Research Assistant Conservation Paleobiology, Evolutionary Ecology, Biodiversity Reconstruction, Morphology, Herpetology |