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Clarke, Julia
Julia A Clarke
John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Chair in Geobiology (Holder) | Peter T. Flawn Centennial Chair in Geology (Fellow)

Evolutionary innovation in deep time. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Faculty; Jackson School of Geoscience. HHMI Professor
Clement, Katie No
Katie Clement
CFA Administrative Manager
Clemons, Rebecca No
Rebecca Clemons
Graduate Research Assistant
Coburn, Jordan No
Jordan M Coburn
Curatorial Associate
Adam E Cohen
Collection Manager
Physical and postal address: University of Texas, Texas Natural History Collections 10100 Burnet Rd., PRC176/R4000 Austin, Texas 78758-4445
Email »Full Profile »
Cole, Jared No
Jared M Cole
Graduate Research Assistant
PhD student, Kirkpatrick lab
Coleman, Jeffrey No
Jeffrey Coleman
Graduate Research Assistant
GRA in Cannatella lab studying selective pressures that have led to variation in toxicity in poison frog genus Epipedobates
Corbeil, Karalee No
Karalee Corbeil
Molecular Ecology Technician
Page 8 of 48 Results 351 - 400 of 2360